This website is built on Semester 2 as the submission for the coursework of
Internet and Web Technologies subject. Its goal is to provide user information on ourselves.
It is built on HTML and JS using the modern Document Object Model (DOM) APIs such as the User Media and Promises.
Personal Blog
This web application is built on August 2020 as a practise on the server side scripting and the Bootstrap framework.
The entire application is split into two major areas:
Text files which represents the content
JavaScript files which parse and generate the htmls to serve the visitors
The application have underdone two times of refactors:
A change to the script to build all the html files to deploy to static site hosting provider, Netlify
A complete separation of the data layor and view layer by making use of the MVC framework such as Vue.
The application is current hosted at here (Japanese).
Music Dance
This is the game that created on November 2021 for the Advanced Multimedia subject coursework. The goal of this
game is simple, collect nodes as much as possible while avoiding the bombs. This game make use of the
API in rendering the scene. The entire game rendering are completely done through the JavaScript. HTML and CSS are
used merely to provide the hosting for the canvas. Through the entire development process, the proper error handing
been the most critical part in order the ensure the good user experience. The development finished within a month.
The game is currently hosted on
https://greatkidshow.netlify.app/games/2. The
source code is available on
GitHub Programming Maze
This is the game that created as the submmision for the Final Year Project for my degree program. The main theme for
this game is to put
players' problem solving and state management skill. Players are expected to move the action blocks to the slot at
the left and run it.
The final goal for the game is just bring the ball to the goal. The source code is available upon request.
Great Kids Show
This is the home page created within a team of 5. My contribution toward the project is the backend of the site.
Currently the website is live here. and the GitHub
repository is
available here ACG API
This is a small NodeJS based api project to train my skillset in writing the robost api backend using typescript and
Its source code is available here
Note: Commits by @junchan-deriv is the commits done using my work account
This is a small project that I created to integrate my cline AI with the code snippets that I like to use. The main
purpose for this
is to make the development process faster by providing the code snippets that suitable in my work available. The
source code is available
at here
Note: Commits by @ngeojiajun-deriv is the commits done using my work account